PBI Publications

Along with its film and video productions, PBI has sponsored the publication of numerous books of historical significance to the Asia-Pacific region. Although appearing under various publishers' imprints, many of these works were written and published as part of PBI programming.

  1. by Arishima Takeo (Madison Books, 1991)

    An absorbing insight into life and work in Victorian-Age America by an early Japanese visitor, who was both attracted and disturbed by the experience. Translated by Sanford Goldstein and Shinoda Seishi.

  2. by Yamamoto Shichihei (Madison Books, 1992)

    An explanation of how the Japanese economy took its unique path, tracing it back to its cultural roots. Written by the author of The Japanese and the Jews, a Junior Officer in the Imperial Army and other incisive cultural commentary and lectures. Translated by Lynne Riggs and Takechi Manabu.

  3. (Madison Books, 1992)

    The classic memoirs of Japan's modernization pioneer, whose books set the pace for the Japanese Enlightenment - the sweeping cultural revolution of the Meiji era. Revised translation by Eiichi Kiyooka, with a Preface and Afterward by Albert Craig.

  4. (Madison Books, 1992)

    A sympathetic study of the enigmatic statesman whose belief in Japanese Imperialism smoothed the path for the wartime militarists. Yet early in 1945 he urged Emperor Hirohito to sue for peace.

  5. by Natsume Soseki (Madison Books, 1992)

    The masterpiece of Japan's great novelist whose books explained and epitomized the dilemmas of Japan's modernization. Translated by Edwin McClellan. The essays on individualism were translated by Jay Rubin.

  6. by Mishima Yukio (M.E. Sharpe, 1998)

    An early novella, dealing with labor/management clashes on the shores of Lake Biwa. It foreshadows Mishima's later preoccupation with people and politics. Translated by Hiroaki Sato.

  7. by Ooka Shohei (John Wiley & Sons, 1996)

    The memorable account of a distinguished literary critic, drafted into the Imperial Army and his capture as a POW in the Philippines. Translated and edited by Wayne Lammers.

  8. by Nagai Kafu (Columbia University Press, 2000)

    Japan's great writer-critic made notes during a long stop-over in the United States on his way to Francein the process creating an absorbing record of adventures and impressions in early 20th Century America. Translated by Mitsuko Iriye.

  9. by Maruya Saichi (Columbia University Press, 2002)

    This well-known contemporary novelist provides a unique study of a draft-dodger in WWII Japan - a most uncommon character. Translated by Dennis Keene.

  10. Yoshida Shigeru Memoirs by Kenichi Yoshida & Hiroshi Nara (Rowman & Littlefield, 2007)

    An expansion of the Occupation prime minister's partial autobiography, Yoshida Shigeru: Kaiso Junen, based on original selections translated by Yoshida's son, Kenichi. Additional translation by Hiroshi Nara.

  11. Unlocking the Bureaucrats' Kingdom: Deregulation and the Japanese Economy, Frank Gibney, Editor (The Brookings Institution, 1998)

    Following a PBI conference on this subject in Tokyo, this presents a cross-section of informed Japanese economists' and business leaders' views on what remains Japan's ten-year-old politico-economic problem.

  12. by Katsuichi Honda (M.E. Sharpe, 1998)

    The definitive and unsparing word about the infamous Rape of Nanjing, written by Japan's leading investigative journalist, who extensively interviewed survivors in tracking the continuing story of the Imperial Army's atrocities. Translated by Karen Sandness.

  13. (The University of Chicago Press, 1997)

    Using electronic spin as a key concept, the Japanese physicist here tracks the development of modern quantum theory. Translated by Takeshi Oka.

  14. by Frank Gibney (Scribners, 1992)

    A unique and comprehensive study for the history, culture and modern politico-economic development of the Asia-Pacific nations and their growing connection with the United States. Written to accompany PBI's award-winning PBS television series, "The Pacific Century."

  15. , edited and introduced by Frank Gibney (M.E. Sharpe, 1995)

    A translation of selected letter from former Japanese soldiers and civilians who lived through the Pacific War. Originally appearing on the Op-Ed pages of the Asahi Newspaper, they provide a frank and revealing commentary on the behavior of Japanese troops in World War II with added testimony about privations and soul searching on the home front.

  16. by Colonel Hiromichi Yahara and Frank Gibney (John Wiley & Sons, 1995)

    The war diary of the Japan's brilliant attrition strategist, Chief Staff Officer of the ill-fated 3rd Army, with interspersed comments by one of his U.S. Navy interrogators. Two perspectives on the last desperate battle of WWII.

  17. edited by Henry Scott-Stokes and Lee Jai Eui (M.E. Sharpe, 2000)

    Two distinguished journalists re-trace the horrors of the 1980 massacre of Korean civilians by the storm troopers of Dictator-President Chun Doo Hwan.

  18. by David Elliott (M.E. Sharpe, 2002)

    This unique and searching view of the Vietnamese Warconcentrating on what happened in a single province - is unrivaled in its accuracy and perspective. A monument of scholarship by the leading American authority on that period.

  19. by Edith Terry (M.E. Sharpe, 2002)

    A peripatetic and perceptive Asianist scholar-journalist offers sharp and original comment on East Asia's boom, burst bubble and recovery.

  20. by Frank Gibney (East Bridge, 2003)

    This classic account (1952) of the makers of "New Japan" tells the life stories of a journalist, an ex-Navy vice-admiral, a steel worker, a farmer, and Emperor Hirohito.

  21. by Dai Qing (East Bridge, 2005)

    This memoir by Dai Qing, China's best-known investigative journalist, is a mournful and courageous document about her struggle with the travails of imprisonment for unstated crimes following the 1989 crackdown in Tiananmen Square.

  22. by Frank Gibney & Beth Cary (M.E. Sharpe, 2007)

    Added letters on Rethinking the War Experience and a new section called Reassessment: Causes of War enhance the richness of Senso; The Japanese Remember the Pacific War in this expanded edition.

  23. by J. Thomas Rimer (Merwin Asia, August 2009)

    The book concerns the long term cultural concerns and manifestations of the most celebrated spy case in Japan of World War II. Edited by J. Thomas Rimer, and contributors include Chalmers Johnson, Hiroshi Nara, Keiko McDonald, and Lawrence Rogers.