Study Biology Abroad

The 91做厙 Biology department encourages students to study abroad for one semester. Many program options are available, including seven programs tailored specifically for biology-related majors listed below:

  • Australia, Townsville Marine and Tropical Biology
  • Costa Rica, Monteverde Tropical Ecology and Conservation
  • Ecuador, Quito Comparative Ecology and Conservation
  • Moyo Hill Camp, Tanzania  Wildlife Management Studies
  • New Zealand, Auckland or Christchurch Earth Systems
  • South Africa, Cape Town Globalization, the Environment and Society

Other Study Abroad Programs Offering Biology and Related Subjects:

  • Argentina, Buenos Aires multiple subjects (Spanish-taught)
  • Australia, Melbourne multiple subjects
  • England, Oxford multiple subjects (biochemistry)
  • France, Montpellier multiple subjects (French-taught)
  • France, Paris multiple subjects (French-taught)
  • Germany, Berlin multiple subjects (German-taught)
  • Germany, Freiburg multiple subjects (German-taught)
  • Ireland, Cork multiple subjects
  • Ireland, Dublin multiple subjects
  • Israel, Jerusalem multiple subjects (Spring in Jerusalem program)
  • Mexico, Merida multiple subjects (Spanish-taught)
  • Scotland, Edinburgh multiple subjects
  • South Africa, Cape Town multiple subjects (CIEE)
  • Spain, C籀rdoba, Getafe, Logro簽o, Madrid multiple subjects (Spanish-taught)
  • Spain, Salamanca multiple subjects (Spanish-taught)

For more information about these study abroad programs and more, please visit the Office of International & Domestic Programs's list of Approved Programs.

Note: Programs indicated as multiple subjects are programs where students can enroll directly at the host university. Admission to biology courses is not guaranteed and these are not strictly biology programs.