Cutter, W. B., K. A. Baerenklau, A. DeWoody, R. Sharma, and J. G. Lee. 2008. Costs and benefits of capturing urban runoff with competitive bidding for decentralized best management practices. Water Resour. Res., 44, W09410, doi:10.1029/2007WR006343.
Cutter, W.B., Pendleton, L., DeShazo, J.R. 2007. Activities in Models of Recreation Demand. Land Economics. 83(4), pp. 370-381.
Cutter, W.B. 2007. Valuing Groundwater Recharge in an Urban Context. Land Economics. 83(2). pp 234-252.
Cutter, W.B., DeShazo, J.R. 2007. The Environmental Consequences of Decentralizing the Decision to Decentralize. Journal of Environmental Economics and Management. 53 (1): pp.32-53.
Cutter, W.B., DeShazo, J.R. 2006. Evaluating Reforms in the Implementation of Hazardous Waste Policies in California. California Policy Options 2006. UCLA School of Public Affairs.
Federman M. , Cutter W., , et. al. 1996. "What Does it Mean to be Poor in America?" Monthly Labor Review. Volume 119(5). pp. 3-17.
Awards & Honors
Awards & Honors
University of California Toxic Substances Research and Teaching Fellowship, 2000-2002.
Technical Consultant, Alluvial Fan Flooding Task Force.
Member, Los Angeles and San Gabriels Rivers Watershed Council Southern California Watershed Assessment Framework technical advisory committee.
Member, Board of Directors, Los Angeles and San Gabriels Rivers Watershed Council