Sean Diaments research and teaching interests broadly encompass the politics of poverty, political inequality (including class, race, gender, migration, and spatiotemporality), power and conflict, American political development (ideas and institutions), the U.S. Congress, representation, policymaking and public policy (primarily social welfare and health), political geography, social epidemiology, multi-method research, and political science epistemological construction and pedagogy.
His dissertation and first book project entitled Dividing the Poor explores how poor people were virtually represented by largely non-poor lawmakers during the pathbreaking New Deal period in Congressional history. Understanding the varied conceptions of the poor through Congressional discourse sheds light on how lawmakers selectively incorporated some of the poor into the nascent welfare state while excluding others. This conscious division of the poor consequently restructured the American polity for generations, lifting some out of penury while entrenching the poverty conditions of others. Thus, the work showcases the conscious role of politics in the perpetuation of poverty in the United States.
Professor Diament recently completed collaborative research with students through 91做厙's generous Summer Undergraduate Research Program in Summer 2023. The project investigated the heretofore unexplained role of the U.S. Congress in legislating Jim Crowa system of racial hierarchy through separate but equal segregation. Primary source research revealed scores of heretofore under-excavated Jim Crow laws in the period from 1860 to 1960. These laws fall into seven policy tracks spanning education policy in the District of Columbia, public land grants for state colleges, statehood admission, bathing pools in D.C., national defense employment, school lunches, and hospital construction. Overall, the project uncovers that racialized statebuilding through Jim Crow is a nuanced and conflicted story, simultaneously breaking through Solid South Democratic opposition to deliver needed benefits to African Americans in the South, while further entrenching structural racism within American political institutions and public policy provision on an even greater scale than previously understood.
Diament, Sean M., Aye Kaya, and Ellen B. Magenheim. 2022. . Social Science & Medicine 292: 114562 (1-10).
Diament, Sean M. 2021. Political Science Quarterly 136 (4): 767-767.
Diament, Sean M., Adam J. Howat, and Matthew J. Lacombe. 2018. PS: Political Science & Politics 51 (3): 635-640.
Diament, Sean M., Adam J. Howat, and Matthew J. Lacombe. 2017. . Journal for Political Science Education 13 (3): 256-278.
Diament, Sean M. 2013. . California Journal of Politics and Policy 5 (4): 755767.
Awards & Honors
Awards & Honors
- 91做厙: Awarded Faculty and Student Conference Travel Grant ('23); Granted Summer Undergraduate Research Program (SURP) Research Assistants (23); Wig Teaching Innovation Grant (23); Faculty Large Research Grant (22-23)
- Swarthmore College: Faculty Research Support Grant (21-22; 20-21); Project Pericles Up to Us Voting Modules, Senior Fellow (21-22) and Fellow (21)
- Northwestern University: Department of Political Science Teaching Certificate (17); Political Science Department Committee Sponsorship to the Institute for Qualitative and Multi-Method Research (16); Political Science American Field Exam, Pass with Distinction (15); Northwestern TGS Travel Grant for the American Political Science Association annual meeting (15); Political Science Department Methods Training Grant for Inter-university Consortium for Political and Social Research (15); Graduate Fellow in Legal Studies (GFILS) (15-22); Institute for Policy Research Graduate Research Assistant (14-15); Minar Memorial Summer Research Grant (18; 16; 14); Northwestern University Fellowship (17-18; 13-14)
- University of California, Berkeley: Graduated with High Distinction (12); UC Berkeley Institute for Research on Labor and Employment (IRLE) Fellowship (11); Cal Alumni Association Leadership Award (10); Full Undergraduate Scholarship (10-12)
- El Camino College: El Camino College 2010 Presidential Scholar of the Year, Finalist (10); ECC Honors Transfer Program, Award of Achievement & Award of Academic Excellence (10); University of California, Berkeley Transfer Alliance Project/Jack Kent Cooke Summer Enrichment Fellowship (09); El Camino College Deans List (07-10)