*student co-author
Karnovsky, N.J., K.A. Hobson, S.J. Iverson. 2012. From lavage to lipids: estimating diets of seabirds. Marine Ecology Progress Series 451:263-284.
Karnovsky, N.J., J. Welcker, A.M.A. Harding, Z.W. Brown*, W. Walkusz, A. Cavalcanti, J. Hardin, A. Kitaysky, G. Gabrielsen, D. Gr矇millet. 2011. Inter-colony comparison of diving behavior of an Arctic top predator: implications for warming in the Greenland Sea. Marine Ecology Progress Series 440:229-240
Karnovsky, N.J., A. Harding, W. Walkusz, S. Kwaniewski, I. Goszczko, J. Wiktor, H. Routti, A. Bailey*, L. McFadden*, Z. Brown*, G. Beaugrand, D. Gr矇millet. 2010. Foraging distributions of little auks across the Greenland Sea: Implications of present and future Arctic climate change. Marine Ecology Progress Series, 415:283-293
Awards & Honors
Awards & Honors
National Science Foundation, Office of Polar Programs, Principle Investigator, $415,618 grant, "Consequences of Contrasting foraging Conditions for Little Auks in the Greenland Sea, 2006
Hirsch Foundation, Principle Investigator, $14,500 grant, Ear bones are the diaries of fish. Assessing demographics of fish populations through the analysis of otoliths. 2004
Mellon-8 Foundation, Principle Investigator, $7,500 grant, Responses of upper trophic predators to climate change in the Arctic, 2004
National Science Foundation, Office of International Science and Engineering, Principle Investigator, $142,261 grant, Variability of Arctic ocean currents and dovekie foraging ecology and reproductive success, 2003