Lorn S. Foster, The African American Church in the Public Square in the Post Civil Rights Era, forthcoming.
Lorn S. Foster, First Churches Los Angeles Project: Studying African American Churches in the First Half of the Twentieth Century, Western Historical Quarterly, XLV, Spring 2014, pp. 61-66.
Lorn S. Foster, How African American Church Archives and Oral Histories Help Us to Understand Black Life in Los Angeles Prior to 1950, AME Church Review, CXXIX, April-June 2013, pp. 5-38.
Lorn S. Foster, A Paradigm for the Study of the Negro Church, The A.M.E. Church Review, CXXVIII, July-September 2012, pp. 17-35.
Editor, The Voting Rights Act: Consequences and Implications (Praeger Special Studies, 1985) and chapter, "Political Symbols and the Enactment of the 1982 Voting Rights Act"
"Section 5 of the Voting Rights Act: The Implementation of an Administrative Remedy," Publius, 17-29, Fall 1996
With S. Welch, "The Impact of Economic Conditions on the Voting Behavior of Blacks," The Western Political Quarterly 45, 221-236, March 1992
"Avenues for Black Political Mobilization: The Presidential Campaign of Reverend Jesse Jackson," in The Social and Political Implications of the Jesse Jackson Presidential Campaign (Lorenzo Morris, ed., Praeger Special Studies, 1990)
With S. Welch, "Class and Conservatism in the Black Community," American Politics Quarterly 15: 445-970, October 1987
"The Voting Rights Act: Political Modernization and the New Southern Politics," Southern Studies, 266-287, Fall 1984
With T.E. Cavanagh, Jesse Jackson's Campaign: The Primaries and Caucuses (The Joint Center for Political Studies, 1984)
Awards & Honors
Awards & Honors
John Randolph Haynes and Dora Haynes Foundation, Faculty Fellowship for his project titled Black Political Development in LA, 1910-1950: The Role of the Black Church, 2008; Summer Fellowship, 1981
National Research Council, Post-Doctoral Fellowship for Minorities, 1985