With A. Danyluk and T. Murtagh, Java: An Eventful Approach (Prentice Hall, 2005)
Foundations of Object-Oriented Languages: Types and Semantics (M.I.T. Press, 2002)
With S. Drysdale, C. Kelemen, and A. Tucker, "Why Math?" Communications of ACM, 46(9), pp. 40-44, 2003
With Andrew P. Black, Michael Homer, and James Noble, "Grace: the absence of (inessential) difficulty", Proceedings of the ACM international symposium on New ideas, new paradigms, and reflections on programming and software (Onward! '12). ACM, New York, NY, USA, 85-98, 2012
With L. Cardelli and B.C. Pierce, "Comparing Object Encodings," Information and Computation 155, pp. 108-133, 1999
With D. Farkas, On Reacting to Assertions and Polar Questions, Journal of Semantics, 27, pp 81-118, 2010, doi:10.1093/jos/ffp010.
With A. Danyluk and T. Murtagh, "Introducing Concurrency in CS 1," Proceedings of the 2010 ACM Symposium on Computer Science Education, 2010.
Awards & Honors
Awards & Honors
National Science Foundation, research grants, 1982-2006
ACM SIGCSE, award for outstanding contributions to Computer Science education, 2005.
Mellon Foundation, fellowship to study Linguistics at UC-Santa Cruz, 2004-2005.
IEEE Computer Society, named "Golden Core Member," 1996; and Meritorious Service Award for work on Curricula '91, 1992.
NSF Science Faculty Development fellowship, MIT, 1980-1981.
NSF Graduate Fellowship, 1970-1973.
NATO Grant for International Collaboration in Research, 1986-1988.