Gang of Four's "Entertainment!" 33 1/3 Series. London, New York: Bloomsbury, 2014.
Think Rock (Prentice-Hall, 2011)
Editor, Cambridge Companion to Bob Dylan (Cambridge University Press, 2009)
Is Rock Dead? (Routledge, 2006)
The Illicit Joyce of Postmodernism: Reading Against the Grain (University of Wisconsin Press, 1996)
Co-Editor with M. Wollaeger, Modernist Literature & Culture book series (Oxford University Press, 2007- )
Twentieth Century Editor, The Oxford Encyclopedia of British Literature (D.S. Katstan, gen. ed., Oxford University Press, 2006)
Co-Editor with D. Bradshaw, The Blackwell Companion to Modernist Literature and Culture (Blackwell, 2006)
Co-Editor with W. Richey and contributor, Reading Rock & Roll: Authenticity, Appropriation, Aesthetics(Columbia University Press, 1999)
Twentieth-Century Section Co-Editor with J. Wicke, General co-editor with D. Damrosch, beginning with 3/e, Longman Anthology of British Literature (Addison Wesley Longman Publishers, 1998. Second ed., 2002. Third ed., 2006)