Afterlives of Discovery: Speculative Geographies in the Settler Colonial Imaginary (forthcoming, Duke University Press, May 2025.)
The Inheritance of Haunting, poetry collection, (University of Notre Dame Press, 2019.)
Articles & Chapters
Bed/Life: Chronic Illness, Postcolonial Entanglements, and Queer Intimacy in the Stay, in Origins, Objects, and Orientations: Towards a Racial History of Disability Special Issue, Disability Studies Quarterly, Fall 2023.
Bridging/Broken in the Break, co-written with Tala Khanmalek, Feminist Studies, Special Issue, 40th Anniversaries of This Bridge Called My Back and All the Women Are White, All the Blacks Are Men, But Some of Us Are Brave, Vol. 48, No. 1 2022.
, Rest and the Rest: Aesthetics of Idleness Issue, in InVisible Culture: An Electronic Journal of Visual Culture, April 25, 2021.
Defense Strategies in Falsework, Smalltalk: Political Education, Aesthetic Archives, Recitations of a Future in Common. Edited by Asma Abbas and Colin Eubanks, Curated by the Hic Rosa Collective. Richmond, MA: Some Beloved Books, 2021.
A Decolonial Feminist Epistemology of the Bed: A Compendium Incomplete of Sick and Disabled Queer Brown Femme Bodies of Knowledge, co-written with Tala Khanmalek, Frontiers: A Journal of Womens Studies, Special Issue on decolonial feminisms, edited by Wanda Alarc籀n, Dalida Maria Benfield, Annie Isabel Fukushima, Marcelle Maese, Vol. 41, No. 1, May 2020: 35-58.
The Blood that Has Dried in the Codes: Sovereignty, Right, and the (Im)possibilities of Freedom, in Diverse Unfreedoms: The Afterlives and Transformations of Post-TransAtlantic Bondages, edited by Sarada Balagopalan, Cati Coe, and Keith Michael Green, New York: Routledge, 2020.
The Right to the Future and Chrono-logics Otherwise: Resisting Governmentalitys Temporal Conduct O簽ati Legal Series Journal, June 2019.