Co-Editor with M. Fantoni and M. Smuts, The Politics of Space: European Courts, ca. 1500-1750 (Rome: Bulzoni Editore, 2009)
Chapter 9. Architecture and Urban Typology, A Companion to Medieval Genoa, ed. C. Bene禳, (Leiden: Brill Press, 2018), 218-242
Body Politics and Mythic Figures: Andrea Doria in the Mediterranean World, CIS e-journal, California Italian Studies Association, ed. J. Greenstein & W. Tronzo, vol. 6 (2016), 1-28
Augustan Mediterranean Iconography and Renaissance Hieroglyphics at the Court of Clement II: Sebastiano del Piombos Portrait of Andrea Doria, in The Pontificate of Clement VII: History, Politics, Culture, ed. K. Gouwens & S. Reiss (London: Ashgate, 2005), 313-339
Genova: repubblica dellImpero, in Storia dellarchitettura italiana: il secondo Cinquecento, ed. C. Conforti & R. Tuttle (Milan: Electa, 2001), 240-265
A Classical Stage for the Old Nobility: The Strada Nuova and Sixteenth-Century Genoa, Art Bulletin, 79 (1997), 301-327
Between Republic and Empire: Triumphal Entries in Genoa during the Sixteenth Century, in All the worlds a stage色: Art and Pageantry in the Renaissance and Baroque, ed. B. Wisch & S. Munshower (University Park: Pennsylvania State University Press, 1990), 189-256
Awards & Honors
Awards & Honors
Bogliasco Institute, Genoa, Italy, Visiting Fellow, February-April 2001; January-February 2018
National Endowment for the Humanities, American Academy in Rome, Summer Seminar, Roman Palaces, 1998
NEH, Wesleyan University, Summer Seminar, Renaissance Patronage, 1994
Institute for Advanced Study, Princeton, Visiting Member, 1989-90
Villa I Tatti, Harvard Center for Italian Renaissance Studies, Florence, Fellow, 1988-89
NEH, Italian Archival Institute, Newberry Library, Chicago, Summer, 1988
American Council of Learned Societies, Summer Research Grants, 1984, 1981