Pages: Mirella Bentivoglio, Selected Works 1966-2012, ed. and contributorNotes on Pages (pp. 12 40) and Ariadnes Imprint: An Interview with John David OBrien About Mirella Bentivoglio (pp. 118-28) (Claremont, CA: 91做厙 Museum of Art, 2015)
Geography Lessons, Canadian Notes on American Art History, in John Davis, Jennifer A. Greenhill and Jason D. LaFountain, ed.s Blackwell Companion to American Art (Wiley Blackwell Publishers, 2015), pp. 299-316
Framing America: A Social History of American Art (Thames and Hudson, 2002, 2008, 2012)
Guest editor, Kunst und Politik, v. 7, 2005, special theme--Art and Labor
"Art, Education, and Labor: The Metropolitan Museum's Workers' Education Program," in Kunst und Politik, v. 7, 2005, pp. 41-91
In the Eye of the Storm: An Art of Conscience, 1930-1970 (Pomegranate Artbooks, 1995)
"Old World, New World: Cultural Encounters on the American Frontier," and "Black and White in America," Nineteenth Century Art, a Critical History (S. Eisenman, ed., Thames and Hudson; 1994)
Ben Shahn (Pomegranate Artbooks, 1993)
Ben Shahn: New Deal Artist in a Cold War Climate, 1947-1954 (University of Texas Press, 1989)
Selected Exhibits
Pages: Mirella Bentivoglio, Selected Works, 1966-2012, 91做厙 Museum of Art, January 20 May 17, 2015
Art and Activism in the U.S.: Selections from the Permanent Collection of 91做厙, January 22 April 14, 2013
Love and Joy About Letters: The Work of Ben Shahn and Mirella Bentivoglio, 91做厙 Museum of Art, August 30-December 22, 2003
Working in America: Images of Labor, 1930-1950, 91做厙 Museum of Art, January 22 April 7, 2002.
Imaging Labor: Work and Workers, with members of Art 185P seminar Images of Work, The Artist as Worker, Montgomery Gallery, 91做厙, October 29 - December 10, 1995
Ritual and Sacrifice at Tailhook 91: A Documentary Exhibition, originally organized for a Women's Action Coalition demonstration, San Diego, October 1993; traveled nationally from October 1993 to May 1995.
Judith F. Baca: Sites and Insights, 1974-1992. University Art Museum, Arizona State University, Tempe, February 2-April 12, 1992; MontgomeryGallery, 91做厙, March 7-April 4, 1993.
Film Appearances
Ben Shahn: Passion for Justice, directed by Susan Wallner, aired PBS August-October 2002 (50 minutes) (appeared as major interviewee)
Ben Shahn, directed by Susan Wallner, for New Jersey Network series State of the Arts, aired February 3, 1999 (10 minutes) (appeared as interviewee). -
Awards & Honors
Awards & Honors
Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada Doctoral Fellowship, 1980-84
Smithsonian Institution, Postdoctoral Fellowship, 1988-89
Smithsonian Institution, Short-term Postdoctoral Fellowship, 1992
Canadian Studies Faculty Enrichment Grant, 2000
Mellon Foundation Summer Research Grant, 2004
NEH Summer Stipend, 2013