2023. Transnational Social Protection: Social Welfare Across National Borders. New York: Oxford University Press. (with Peggy Levitt, Ken Chih-Yan Sun, and Ruxandra Paul).
2019. Social Welfare Grey Zones: How and why sub-national governments provide when nations do not, Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies (with Peggy Levitt, Sonia Parella and Alisa Petroff).
2017: The Missing Link? The Role of Subnational Governance in Global Social Protection, Oxford Development Journal, 45(1):47-63. (with Peggy Levitt)
2017: Bureaucrats and the Ballot Box: State-Led Political Incorporation in Ireland, in The Politics of New Immigrant Destinations: Transatlantic Perspectives, eds. A. Messina and A. Williamson. Philadelphia: Temple University Press.
Ph.D., Massachusetts Institute of Technology
M.P.P, Harvard University (Kennedy School of Government)
B.A., Howard University
Awards & Honors
Awards & Honors
Exemplary Diversity Scholar citation, National Center for Institutional Diversity, The University of Michigan, 2013
Dissertation Completion Fellowship, Mellon/American Council of Learned Societies, 2012-2013
Summer Study Grant, Center for International Studies, MIT, 2011 & 2009
European Union Research Grant, Commission for Educational Exchange - Fulbright-Schuman Program (Spain, Ireland, United Kingdom), 2009 - 2010
MIT Presidential Fellow, 2006-2007