With K.J. Park ('12), C. Wu ('14), A.R. Mercer-Smith ('15), R.A. Dodson ('15), T.L. Moersch, P. Koonath, A.C.R. Pipino, H-W. Lu, Y. Yang, V.S. Sapirstein, and A. Niemz, Raman system for sensitive and selective identification of volatile organic compounds, Sensors and Actuators B: Chemical, 220, 491-499, 2015.
With J.A. Beardslee ('08), A.K. Mebust ('08), A.S. Chaimowitz ('10), C.R. Davis-VanAtta ('10), H. Leonard ('12), T.L. Moersch, and M.Y. Afridi, Using Chemical Vapor Deposition Precursor Chemistry to Template Vanadium Oxide for Chemical Sensing, Chemical Vapor Deposition, 16, 206-210, 2010.
With A.V. Shevade, M. L. Homer, H. Zhou, A. D. Jewell, K. Manatt, and A.K. Kisor, S-P. S Yen and M. A. Ryan, Correlating Polymer-Carbon Composite Sensor Response with Molecular Descriptors, Journal of the Electrochemical Society, 153, H209-H216, 2006.
With A.V. Shevade, M. A. Ryan, M. L. Homer, A. D. Jewell, H. Zhou, K. Manatt, and A.K. Kisor, and A.M. Manfreda, Developing Sensor Activity Relationships for the JPL Electronic Nose Sensors Using Molecular Modeling and QSAR Techniques, IEEE Sensors 2005, 250-253, 2005.
With D.C. Meier, R.E. Cavicchi, S. Semancik, E. White V, M.E. Ellzy and K.B. Sumpter, Chemical Warfare Agent Detection Using MEMS-Compatible Microsensor Arrays, IEEE Sensors Journal, 5(4), 712-715, 2005.
C.J. Taylor, R.E. Cavicchi, C.B. Montgomery and S.M. Turner, Microarray Approach for Optimizing Localized Deposition of Carbon Nanotubes Using Microhotplate Arrays, Nanotechnology, 15, 62-65, 2004.
With R.E. Cavicchi, S. Semancik, and F. DiMeo Jr., Use of Microhotplates in the Controlled Growth and Characterization of Metal Oxides for Chemical Sensing, Journal of Electroceramics, 9, 155-164, 2002.
With M.Y. Afridi, J.S. Suehle, M.E. Zaghoul, D.W. Berning, A.R. Hefner, R.E. Cavicchi, S. Semancik, and C.B. Montgomery, A Monolithic CMOS Microhotplate-Based Gas Sensor System, IEEE Sensors Journal, 2, 664-655, 2002
C.J. Taylor and S. Semancik, The Use of Microhotplate Arrays as Microdeposition Substrates for Materials Exploration, Chemistry of Materials, 14, 1671-1677, 2002.
With S.A. Campbell, B. He, R.C. Smith, T. Ma, N. Hoilen, and W.L. Gladfelter, Group IVB Metal Oxides High Permittivity Gate Insulators Deposited from Anhydrous Metal Nitrates, IEEE Transactions on Electron Devices, 48, 2348-2356, 2001.
Awards & Honors
Awards & Honors
NASA Board Award for work on the use of Copolymers for Sensors and related non-provisional US patent, 2013
NASA Board Award for work on Detection of Sulfur Dioxide Using Polymer-Carbon Composite Films, 2012
Provisional U.S. Patent #60/861-617 System for Detecting and Estimating Concentrations of Gas or Liquid Analytes, 2007
NASA Board Award for work on Second Generation Electronic Nose, 2007
NASA Tech Brief Award for Palladium Chloride Sensing Materials for Mercury Detection, 2007
NASA Tech Brief Award for Special Polymer/Carbon Composite Films for Detecting SO2, 2007
NASA Tech Brief Award for work on Second Generation Electronic Nose, 2007