Henry Jenkins, Neta Kligler-Vilenchik, Liana Gamber-Thompson, Sangita Shresthova, and Arely M. Zimmerman (2016). By Any Media Necessary: The New Youth Activism. NYU Press. New York, NY.
Arely M. Zimmerman, "Transmedia Testimonio: Examining Undocumented Youths Political Activism in the Digital Age." International Journal of Communication 10 (2016): 21. DOI: 19328036/20160005
Arely M. Zimmerman, "Contesting citizenship from below: Central Americans and the struggle for inclusion." Latino Studies (2015) 13:28. doi:10.1057/lst.2014.71
Mizuko Ito, Elisabeth Soep, Neta Kligler-Vilenchik, Sangita Shresthova, Liana Gamber-Thompson, and Arely M. Zimmerman (2015). "Learning connected civics: Narratives, practices, infrastructures." Curriculum Inquiry 45:1, 10-29, DOI: 10.1080/03626784.2014.995063
Arely M. Zimmerman, Dreams Detained: Undocumented Latino Youth and the DREAM Movement in NACLA Report on the Americas, Latino Student Movements: Defending Education. December 2011.