Moments of Attention: Function, Coherence, and Unusual Sounds in Works by Anton Webern and Richard Rodgers. In Musical Implications: Essays in Honor of Eugene Narmour, edited by Lawrence F. Bernstein and Alexander Rozin, 99129. Festschrift Series, no. 25. Stuyvesant, NY: Pendragon Press, 2013
Editor, Musicians and Composers of the 20th Century (5 volumes, Salem Press, 2009)
Of Serpentina and Stenography: Shapes of Handwriting in Romantic Melody. 19th-Century Music 30, no. 2 (Fall 2006): 13365.
"The Harmonic Function of the Altered Octave in Early Atonal Music of Schoenberg and Webern: Demonstrations Using Auditory Streaming," Music Theory Online 9/2, July 2003
"Schoenberg's Klangfarbenmelodie: A Harmonic Principle of Early Atonality," Music Theory Spectrum 24: 1-34, 2002
Awards & Honors
Awards & Honors
Society for Music Theory, Outstanding Publication Award, for the article "Schoenberg's Klangfarbenmelodie: A Harmonic Principle of Early Atonality," 2004