Alumni Association Board Meeting Minutes 9/25/21

91做厙 Alumni Association Board Meeting Minutes

September 25, 2021 10 a.m. to 1 p.m.
Via Zoom


Members In Attendance Aldair Arriola-Gomez 17, Andrew Brown 77, Chris Byington 12, Alisa Fishbach, Paula Gonzalez 95, Terril Jones 80, Carol Kruse 84, Jeff Levere 12, Megan Kaes Long 08, Linda Luisi 81, Jim McCallum 70, Vicki Paterno 75, Lew Phelps 65, Andrea Ravich 06, Amy Van Buren Rhodes 07, Alfredo Romero 91, Julie Siebel 84, Don Swan 15, Andrea Venezia 91, Dominic Young 88

Members absent: Marcel Green 90

Staff and Representatives: Mariam Khwajazada, Kristen Romero Kevin Dettmar, Nirali Devgan 22, Paola Franco 17, Kerry Martin

Special Guests: Mark Kendall, Shahan Sanossian, Maria Watson

Call to order, Welcome and Introductions: President Don Swan 15 called the meeting to order at 10:00 am. New representatives to the Board were introduced: Paola Franco 17 who is the Representative from Admissions and Nirali Devgan 22, the new ASPC President. The meeting minutes from August 14, 2021, were approved unanimously by vote.

Presidents Report: Don Swan 15 gave an update on Trustee activities and noted that Trustees will be meeting on October 1st, where the report from Campaign consultants (GG+A) will be presented.

Special Guests Presentation: Special guests VP of Communications Mark Kendall, and AVP of Advancement Communications Shahan Sanossian provided an overview of communications practices from the College and the division of responsibilities between central communications and advancement communications. The use of social media in College communications was discussed, and updates were provided about recent improvements in the management of social media channels, along with plans and opportunities for improved use and Board involvement in social media engagement.

At 10:31 a.m. the Board voted to move into Executive Session

At 11:32 a.m. the Board voted to conclude Executive Session

Faculty Representative Update: Professor Kevin Dettmar noted that Dean of the College, Bob Gaines tenure as Dean will conclude in Summer 2022. Faculty are discussing a possible recommendation to President Starr and the Trustees to split the Deans current role into two positions, given the intense workload. Discussions are ongoing.

Student Representative Update: Nirali Devgan 22 introduced herself and highlighted her leadership roles on campus during her tenure as a student. She reflected on the current campus climate among students as a new positive and the particular challenges of this year with regard to two classes being simultaneously new to campus life (post-COVID).

Career Development Office Representative Update: Kerry Martin provided an update on CDO activities and outreach since the return of students in the Fall. An update was also shared about staff roles within the CDO and the transition of Pre-Health Advising to the Deans Office.

Admissions Representative Update: Paola Franco 17 provided an update on recruitment activities. An update was also provided regarding open positions within Admissions, including freelance application readers for this years applicants.

Development Committee Report: Megan Long 08 provided an update to the Board. The overarching goal of the committee is to stabilize alumni participation up to 24% from 17%. The fall appeal will roll out soon via snail and e-mail. The committee has established 3 subcommittees and overarching goals for the year: Stewardship, Elevating the Donor Experience, and Giving Advocacy.

Regional Chapters Committee Report: Julie Siebel 84 provided an update. Committee members have been divided to serve as liaisons to each of the 6 Regional Chapters. Staff is organizing quarterly meetings of regional chapter volunteer leaders to network and share ideas, receive updates from the college, and support a build-out of programming. AB is strongly encouraged to attend regional chapter events. A postcard will be sent to all alumni in the current chapter regions, announcing the relaunch of chapters (with contact info)

Engagement Committee Report: Paula Gonzalez 95 provided an update. The first meeting of the committee was postponed until October. Looking forward to the meeting to come up with a mission statement, as well as purpose and goals.

Additional Action Items:

  • Julie Siebel 84 will work with Don Swan 15 and staff to draft a Roles and Responsibilities document for the Alumni Board. This document will serve as a foundation for other policies around Board governance and for new Members training each year. Updates to be provided at the next Board meeting.
  • Staff will convene the volunteers who have stepped forward to serve on a Working Group to develop group and communication norms / conversational practices for the Alumni Board. These are to be presented and adopted.
  • Per requests from members, staff will investigate options for Anti-Bias training to be offered to the Alumni Board.

Adjournment: Don Swan 15 adjourned the meeting at 1:00 p.m.

Next Alumni Board Meeting is scheduled for November 6th, 2021 - 10 a.m. to 1p.m. (Zoom & In-Person hybrid)