91°µÍø Alumni Association Board Meeting Minutes
May 1, 2022 – 10:30 a.m. to Noon
Hybrid: Richardson Garden, 91°µÍø Campus & Zoom
Members In Attendance: Aldair Arriola-Gomez ’17, Andrew Brown ’77, Alisa Fishbach, Paula Gonzalez ’95, Marcel Green ’90 (via Zoom), Terril Jones ’80, Carol Kruse ’84, Linda Luisi ’81, Jim McCallum ’70, Vicki Paterno ’75 P’07, Alfredo Romero ’91, Julie Siebel ’84, Don Swan ’15, Andrea Venezia ’91, Dominic Yoong ’88
Members & Representatives Absent: Megan Kaes Long ’08, Jeff Levere ’12, Lew Phelps ’68, Andrea Ravich ’06, Veronica Roman ’95, Amy Van Buren Rhodes ’07
Staff and Representatives: Mariam Khwajazada
Special Guests: Maria Watson, Vice President for Advancement
Call to order, Welcome and Introductions: President Don Swan ’15 called the meeting to order at 10:45 am.
Special Guest: Maria Watson, Vice President for Advancement, provided updates to the Board, reflecting on the just-concluded Alumni Weekend and Reunions, and expressed kudos and appreciation for the Board’s contributions to making Alumni Weekend a success.
President's Report: Don Swan ’15 updated the board on the most recent Trustee discussions and offered a toast of congratulations to Board and staff on the accomplishment of Alumni Weekend 2022. He then opened the floor for the board members to give their feedback on the weekend. Feedback was shared. Staff noted that a post-event survey will be sent to all alumni and encouraged the Board to submit additional feedback and suggestions via email or the survey form.
Leadership Development Committee (LDC) Reports: Alfredo Romero ’91 reported on the process and work of the LDC over the course of the Spring. On behalf of the Committee, Alfredo presented the recommended slate of new Alumni Board members, to begin 3-year terms on July 1, 2022:
- Soren Austenfeld ’15
- Michael Bright ’10
- Robi Ganguly ’00
- Jason Howie ’03
- Joshua Rodriguez ’13
- Christina Tong ’15
- Nina Zhou ’19
After brief discussion about the slate of candidates, a motion to approve and ratify the recommended slate of new members was made and seconded. The motion passed unanimously.
Adjournment: Don Swan ’15 adjourned the meeting at 1 p.m.
The next Alumni Board Meeting is scheduled for Saturday, June 25, 2022, via Zoom.