Alumni Association Board Meeting Minutes 3/19/22

91做厙 Alumni Association Board Meeting Minutes

March 19, 2022 10 a.m. to 1 p.m.
Via Zoom


Members In Attendance: Andrew Brown 77, Alisa Fishbach, Paula Gonzalez 95, Marcel Green 90, Megan Kaes Long 08, Carol Kruse 84, Jeff Levere 12, Jim McCallum 70, Vicki Paterno 75 P07, Lew Phelps 68, Andrea Ravich 06, Alfredo Romero 91, Julie Siebel 84, Don Swan 15, Andrea Venezia 91, Dominic Yoong 88

Members & Representatives Absent: Aldair Arriola-Gomez 17, Terril Jones 80, Linda Luisi 81, Veronica Roman 95, Amy Van Buren Rhodes07, Kevin Dettmar, Nirali Devgan 22, Lucy Takahashi

Staff and Representatives: Mariam Khwajazada, Dena LeBlanc, Kerry L. Martin, Paola Odette Franco 17, Kristen M. Romero

Special Guests: Rodger Devine

Call to order, Welcome and Introductions: President Don Swan 15 called the meeting to order at 10:07 am. The meeting minutes from January 22, 2022, were approved unanimously by vote.

Presidents Report: Don Swan 15 updated the board on the most recent Trustee discussions: In conjunction with others in the 5Cs the college continues with COVID-19 protocols and testing being administered on campus.

Development Committee Report: Megan Long 08 gave an update on the DCs work with Annual Giving. The Development Committees presentation gave a progress snapshot of peer-to-peer outreach as volunteers began making stewardship calls and sending emails to constituents. Alumni Board members recently participated in a focus group regarding the Spring Appeal.

Engagement Committee Report: Paula Gonzalez 95 gave an update on the ECs meeting schedule, they have split into 2 sub committees: one to address the mission of the committee and one to address possible projects.

Regional Chapters Committee Report: Julie Siebel 84 shared with the board an update on the work of the Regional Chapters Committee. The RCC is actively looking for leadership in the Puget Sound area and there is strong interest in launching a chapter in D.C. The RCC will also be sharing results from the recent RC Events survey with the Board.

Leadership Development Committee (LDC): Alfredo Romero 91 shared an update on Alumni Board member nominations. In an effort to fill approximately 6 open seats on the alumni board, 17 very qualified candidates have been identified/contacted for interviews (some nominees were rolled over from a previous submission) - 11 responses from those candidates have been received so far. The LDC is committed to fostering a diverse cohort of new and returning alumni board members that are eager to do the work of the board..

Ad-hoc Committee By-Laws and Board Roles & Responsibilities: Julie Siebel 84 presented an overview of the work of the ad-hoc committee and their dual focus on reviewing the Alumni Association By-Laws, and also focusing on the creation of a document addressing Board members Roles and Responsibilities, and Group Norms for communication and dialogue. Andrea Venezia 91 provided a specific update and review of the proposed Roles & Responsibilities Document. Dominic Yoong 88 provided an update on proposed revisions to the Alumni Association By-Laws.

Breakout Room Discussions: The Alumni Board entered breakout rooms to briefly (15 mins.) discuss the by-laws revisions and Board Roles & Responsibilities and Group Norms document in small groups. Upon return to the full meeting, each breakout group summarized their discussion.

A motion was made to approve the proposed revisions to the Alumni Association By-Laws. Motion passed unanimously. The Board confirmed its commitment to the Role & Responsibilities document and recommended that it be posted on the website for prospective Board candidates and for transparency to the Alumni Community. The Board considers this to be a living document that should be revisited regularly for edits and/or additions. The document will be sent to individual Board members each new term year for their re-commitment and acceptance/signature.

11:45 a.m Stretch Break

Alumni Weekend 2022 Update: Mariam Khwajazada, Associate Director A&FE, Kristen Romero, Associate Director of ACE and Alisa Fishbach, Director A&FE gave a cumulative update on Alumni Weekend 22 planning progress, mainly covering COVID-19 protocols, registration, and programming.

Alumni Attitudinal Survey Project: Rodger Devine, AVP Advancement Operation shared a quick update with the board on the progress of the Alumni Attitudinal Survey Project which will launch this spring.

Adjournment: Don Swan 15 gave a quick update on the new business of the board and adjourned the meeting at 1 p.m.

The next Alumni Board Meeting is scheduled for Sunday, May 1, 2022