The Office of International Initiatives, located in the Office of the Dean of the College, is charged with broadening and deepening international engagement across the campus community and developing new and innovative global partnerships.
The Office provides support to faculty, staff, and students who plan activities and events that address global issues, including speakers series, seminars, study visits, and contacts with a wide range of international organizations. The staff also provides information and advice to students interested in global affairs, international connections and opportunities for engagement with such international institutions as United Nations agencies, non-governmental organizations (NGOs), and research institutes. The Colleges Model United Nations program is also coordinated through this office.
The College is a proud member of the United Nations Academic Impact Initiative, established by UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon in 2010. This global network of more than 800 colleges and universities is committed to the principles of the UN; in addition, constituent colleges and universities collaborate with the UN through campus events, webcast Global Classroom discussions, and guest speaker engagements and conferences.