Many courses on climate change (and particularly courses at the undergraduate level) focus primarily on either physical science perspectives or social science perspectives (e.g., politics, economics) on climate change. Yet, climate change is increasingly recognized as both a biophysical and social phenomenon by scientists and policymakers. to co-develop a course called, Communicating Climate Change: Science and Society designed as a holistic and uniquely interdisciplinary look at the way we talk about climate change, including the human causes and consequences global climate change today. Notably, this course will also be one of the first in the country to introduce undergraduate students to emerging social psychological perspectives on climate change a fast-growing new area of research. Our course will be split approximately evenly between (1) a primer on the physical science of climate change, (2) a look at social perspectives on climate change, and (3) a critical analysis of the way news media and interest groups portray the problem.