Publish Undergraduate Research

The Journal of Undergraduate Sciences

A national scientific journal based at Harvard University calls for submissions.

The Journal of Undergraduate Sciences is the nation's premiere peer review scientific journal dedicated to original research done by undergraduates and high school students. Written and published by students for students, we publish articles in a wide variety of fields, ranging from Astronomy to Zoology. As a collaborative effort between undergraduates, graduate students, and professors, JUS is a forum in which students can participate in the frontiers of science and become acquainted with the important scientific issues. Additionally, JUS encourages undergraduates to gain valuable experience by communicating their research to an audience of peers. Through its activities, JUS seeks to vitalize interest in science and its many implications for society.

You may contact JUS at the following address

Journal of Undergraduate Sciences
Science Center
Harvard University
1 Oxford Street
Cambridge, MA 02138

JUS welcomes submissions from any student at the undergraduate level who is engaged in research in any scientific or science-related discipline. Articles will be reviewed by members of the JUS academic board with advice and guidance from faculty and graduate students. The Editors will determine the suitability of an article for publication based on the comments and recommendations of the academic board.

Upon acceptance of the article for publication, reviewers' comments will be returned to the author and corrections to the articles, if necessary, will be requested from the author. After receiving the final manuscript from the author, the JUS staff will prepare the article for publication.

To submit an article describing research, authors are required to fill out two forms (available in Adobe Acrobat format): the Submission Application and the Author Agreement. Instructions as to how and where to send completed submissions are specified in the forms. An Author's Guide will also soon be available online to assist authors in writing manuscripts.


An Undergraduate Journal for Neuroscience

The first online, undergraduate, international, inter-institutional journal for publications in the neurosciences. It consists of submissions solely by undergraduates that are reviewed and published by undergraduates under the supervision of a Faculty Advisor. With an increasing emphasis in universities on undergraduate experience both in lab and in scientific writing, offers those undergraduates who seek experience in neuroscientific disciplines the chance to complete the scientific process, including writing up the finished research, having it peer reviewed, and ultimately having it published and assimilated into the scientific literature.  Students wishing to experience the publishing side are encouraged to join the IMPULSE review team.

Editorial Info: IMPULSE is affiliated with and based out of the South Carolina Honors College at the University of South Carolina. The editorial board consists of an Editor-in-Chief; an Executive Editor; an International Editor; Associate Editors; and Publicity Editors. We also have a review board composed of students from University of South Carolina and other institutions.

Publication: Submissions are always open on a rolling basis, with publication immediately after acceptance.  Rolling publication is the direction IMPULSE has taken to ensure both quality of research, as well as a degree of promptness befitting an age of swift research and publication of results.

Contact: For further questions and inquiries about submitting your article to IMPULSE, as well as questions on how to become a peer reviewer for IMPULSE, please contact the Editor-in-Chief at .  You will receive an application to join IMPULSE.