Senior Thesis Deadlines

Your final grade in these courses will be assessed a penalty of at least one grade point, and depending upon circumstances a penalty of up to one grade point per day (weekends included) when deadlines for any of the following are missed: contract submission, progress report, first draft, and final draft. All deadlines are at 5:00 PM on the specified day. If these deadlines change in any way, you will be informed well in advance.

Deadlines for the Research Grant Proposal Thesis

Deadline Item Fall 2014 Spring 2015
1) Contract submission after obtaining the signature of one reader and listing three additional faculty who could be potential readers, submit the signed contract, abstract, and reference list to Dr. Karnovsky. TBA TBA
2) Submission of complete draft* of entire research proposal, including a clear statement of your research question, the literature review, experimental procedure, expected results and discussion. Submit one copy to each reader. The grade received on this draft will contribute 50% to your final grade for this course. TBA TBA
3) Submission of final** revised version of the entire proposal. The grade received will be averaged with the grade received for the complete draft earlier in the semester to give the final grade for the course. TBA TBA
4)Practice presentation. Readers will help you with instructions for how to prepare your presentation. TBA TBA
5) Public Presentation. After presentations, celebration and hand printing. TBA TBA

* A complete draft is a finished piece of work. It is NOT a rough draft. In addition, you are expected to demonstrate significant improvement from the complete draft to the final revised version. Such improvement should go beyond simply addressing reader comments; a global revision is required. Consequently, the complete draft will be graded as a work in progress, taking into account both the quality of the document and the potential for improvement. The grade on this draft contributes 50% to your final grade. If sufficient improvement is not demonstrated in the final revised version, your grade in the BIO 191 will be LOWER than that received on the complete draft.

** Turn in one copy for each reader and a CD containing your thesis in Word or pdf format for the Biology Department archives. You must turn in the complete drafts, with the reader's comments, when you turn in the final draft. Please remember to put page numbers on ALL written material given to readers for feedback.

Fall Experimental Thesis 194A

Deadline Item Fall
1) Contract submission after obtaining the signature of one reader and listing three additional faculty as potential second readers, submit contract, abstract, budget, reference list to Dr. Karnovsky TBA**
2) Progress report submission to reader describing work completed to date.  This report will receive a P/NC grade. Passing grade is required for registration for Bio 194B. TBA
If progress report receives a NC grade: this is the last day to withdraw from Bio 194A, without penalty. TBA
3) 1st semester draft submission of entire paper to each reader. This paper will receive a permanent grade and will be what is recorded on your transcript for Bio 194A. TBA
last day of class

Spring Experimental Thesis 194B

Deadline Item Spring
4) Complete draft submission of entire paper to advisor and second reader if any. The grade received on this draft will contribute 50% to your final grade for Bio 194B. (*see note on previous page) TBA
5) Practice presentation. Readers will help you with instructions for how to prepare your presentation. TBA
6) Public presentation after presentations, celebration and hand printing. TBA
7) Final revised version*** will be submitted to each reader. The grade received on this version will be averaged with that received on the complete draft submitted earlier this semester to give a final grade for Bio 194B. TBA

*** Turn a hard copy of the final version to each reader. You must also turn in the complete drafts, with the reader's comments, when you turn in the final draft.  Also submit the final version on a CD in either pdf or Word format to Dr. Karnovsky.  Links to the abstracts may be put on the Department web page, and the full electronic version of your thesis will be available to future students for several years. Please remember to put page numbers on ALL written material given to readers for feedback.  When handing in your draft and final version to your readers, you should determine when you can pick up the graded and critiqued copy.  Be sure to get your graded progress report back from faculty readers before the course drop deadline.

Please remember to put page numbers on ALL written material given to readers for feedback. When handing in your draft and final version to your readers, you should determine when you can pick up the graded and critiqued copy. Be sure to get your graded progress report back from faculty readers before the course drop deadline.